Explore North Albania


Explore North Albania

Public transportation in Shkoder primarily operates through a combination of buses and minibuses, known locally as “furgon”. These models of transport connect Shkoder with nearby towns and villages, as well as with major cities within Albania.

Buses and furgons usually gather at designated bus stations or stops within the city. While buses may have a scheduled times, furgons often operate more informally. They tend to leave when they are full, rather than adhering to a strict timetable. Passengers can usually buy tickets directly on the bus, at the bus station or at our office.

For those looking for alternative transportation options, taxis are available. You can also rent a car or a bicycle at our office, which can be a convenient way to explore the city and its sorroundings.

So, if you are planning to travel to Shkoder or looking for the most current information on its public transportation system, we invite you to take a look at the information below or to visit our office for more detailed information.